
Abuelo camina 6 kilómetros para ver a su nieta recién nacida a través de una puerta de vidrio

Abuelo camina 6 kilómetros para ver a su nieta recién nacida a través de una puerta de vidrio
El hombre se conforma con mirarla, tomando las medidas necesarias para no contagiarla de coronavirus.

El coronavirus no ha impedido que un abuelo de Michigan, Estados Unidos, camine 6 km. para ver a su nieta recién nacida, incluso si solo puede verla a través de una puerta de vidrio.

Josh Gillett compartió una foto en Instagram de su padre felizmente mirando a su preciosa nieta Elliana Rae. El único problema es que una puerta de vidrio se interpone en el camino de los dos.

Él relató cómo esta "nueva normalidad" es en realidad el peor sentimiento, porque odia tener una ventana entre ellos, aunque entiende que esto es temporal.

"Me rompe el corazón que mi papá no pueda abrazar a mi hija. Sin embargo, como se puede ver claramente en la cara de mi padre, él está lleno de alegría solo por verla", declaró Gillet.

Antes de la cuarentena, el padre de Gillett pudo tomar a Elliana Rae dos veces y contó los días en que ella nació.

"No creo que haya pasado una hora en la que mi padre no se jactara de convertirse en abuelo pronto", dijo Gillett.

El hombre hizo un llamado a quedarse en casa por el bien de sus seres queridos, negocios, maestros y familias por igual.


This is not normal. This is not fun. This is actually the worst feeling ever - but I know this is temporary. • • Today, my dad walked over 4 miles to our house so he could see Elliana through the window... again. This has become a regular thing. It breaks my heart that my dad can’t hold my daughter. However, as you can clearly see on my dad’s face, he’s overflowing with joy just to see her. He only got to hold her twice before #covid_19 locked us down. I hate that having a window between us is the only way she can see her grandpa - but again, I remember this is temporary. • • While my wife was pregnant, I don’t think an hour went by where my dad didn’t brag about becoming a grandpa soon. Now, his granddaughter is finally here and the only thing he can hold are the daily pictures we send him. However, he knows this is temporary. • • Even if you aren’t worried about catching it yourself: #stayhome for the new dads and moms who can’t wait to have the world meet their new baby. #stayhome for the grandparents who want to hold their new grandchild more than anything. #stayhome for the pregnant mom and nervous dad who are about to welcome home their newest family member. #stayhome for the greatgrandparents who know time is a gift. #stayhome for all the businesses who anxiously wait to open back up. #stayhome for the teachers and kids who are eager to get back to school. And especially, #stayhome for the doctors and nurses who are fighting this head on and would give anything to just #stayhome and hold their kids. • • If this grandpa can resist coming inside and loving his first grandchild, I know the rest of us can do this too. • • #girldad #thedad #stayhealthy #washyourhands

Una publicación compartida por Josh Gillett (@joshuagillett) el


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